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To protect internet service provider and website operators, Congress enacted the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 to provide a safe harbor to internet businesses that inplement a notice and takedown procedure.
More specifically, the DMCA provides that website operators are immune from copyright infringement if:
(a) they dont have actual knowledge of the infringing material on their services,
(b) don't receive a financial benefit directly attributable to the infringing material; and
(c) implement and comply with a notice and takedown procedure.
To implement and follow a notice and takedown procedure, the website operator must:
(1) designate a Copyright Agent to receive infringement claims (you can do that here);
(2) create a DMCA Policy and provide it to the site's users; and
(3) comply with your DMCA Policy if you receive an infringement claim (including potentially removing repeat offenders from your service).
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